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Youth in Morinville

Youth in Morinville are served through a variety of recreational and supportive programming.  

Our program guide has a complete list of all programs within the Town of Morinville.

Morinville offers a great variety programs and events to keep youth active and engaged! View our program guide for details.

The Morinville Youth Loft offers a relaxing space for youth in Morinville. The Loft has a pool table, arcade game, television, couches, tables, video game options, art supplies, board games, internet access and so much more.

Several free drop-in and registered programs run through the school year and over the summer at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Youth Loft. The times vary depending on the season.

Lunch at the Loft: Drop in lunch program for high school students.

M.Y. Loft: Drop in program for teens in grades 7-12

Afterschool Hangout: Registered Program for youth in grades 3-6

Located in the Morinville Community Cultural Centre at 9502-100 Avenue, Morinville 

For more information call 780-939-7839. 

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The Morinville Leisure Centre located at 25126 SH642, Sturgeon County, offers a great variety of programs to keep youth active!

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Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a joint municipal/provincial partnership that funds preventive social service programs.

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) provides support programs to the youth of our community through direct services and/or in partnership with other social service agencies. 

Are you a motivated teenager wanting to make a positive impact in your community? The Leadership in Training (LIT) program provides the opportunity to gain experience in Family and Community Support Services department and leadership skills that are valuable both inside and outside the workplace. We offer volunteer activities throughout the year within the community. Grades 7 to 12 (minimum age of 13 years).

This program runs all year and is independent of the Summer Camp Experience.

Click here to register!

This program provides youth with a chance to discover the benefits of taking on a leadership role at our summer camps while meeting new friends and having fun. Leaders in Training will complete a two day training course and a minimum of 35 hours in one week of camp. Participants will receive a certificate and letter of completion, providing a strong addition to resumes for future endeavors. Youth must have completed grade 6 and be at least 13 years old to register. All LITs who participate with summer camps will earn certification in High 5 training.

This program is specific to Summer Camps and is not a part of the year-long program.

Click here to register today!

The Child and Youth Programmer and Youth Leaders can help youth aged 6 – 18 years old who have:

  • Emotional concerns- struggling with managing emotions, life changes or self-esteem
  • Social concerns-struggling with peers, social skills or problem solving

This is a confidential, free service provided to Morinville residents. We provide:

  • Community resources for youth
  • The ability to act as a liaison between school, community and/or family
  • Strategies to support youth
  • The opportunity to working with youth to meet their goals

Please email for information and referrals.

The Child and Youth Programmer does not provide psychiatric assessments or intervention services.

Community programs

Our local organizations also provide many youth programs and services through our

If you would like your organization added to the list, please contact Community Services at 780-939-7839.

Additional support

Individuals and families in need of free clothing and/or household items can contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839 for support.

During the winter months, we want to ensure that all residents are safe. If you see an individual outside who is unresponsive or in distress, please call 911. If you see an individual who is not in distress but you are concerned that they may be living without adequate shelter, please request a welfare check by calling 780-939-7831. Our Peace Officers, in partnership with our FCSS staff, will do their best to check on the individual and provide resources as needed.

Keep Warm Morinville: Are you in need of proper winter wear for yourself or a family member? Our Keep Warm Morinville program provides warm winter clothing to people in need. To make pick up arrangements, please email or call Community Services at 780-939-7839.

If you would like to donate to this program, donations can be dropped off at Midstream Thrift Store, located at 9922 101 Street or Fusion Thrift Shoppe, located at 10120 100 Avenue.

Morinville FCSS, Mollitiam Counselling and Midstream Support Society are pleased to offer Morinville residents 18+ who do not have access to private insurance for psychological care, access to low to no-cost individual counselling.

Sessions can cover a variety of issues from trauma to self-acceptance. An intake process to determine financial need and assessment of eligibility is required. If you are not eligible, referrals can be made to appropriate supports.

For a confidential inquiry or program intake, please contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839.

Through a partnership with Sobeys Morinville and Midstream Support Society, once a month, individuals can access a $30 food basket containing four servings each of three different meats, vegetables, and fruits. Orders must be placed by the first Friday of each month with pick-up occurring on the 3rd Thursday of the month in one of the two following locations:

  • Morinville Community Cultural Centre 3 to 6 p.m.
  • Guthrie School 3 to 5 p.m.

To register, please visit RecDesk and enter Eat Well in the search bar. There are also free donated baskets available for those in need, to access one, please contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839. 

This program distributes pet food and supplies to low income or in crisis pet owners to ensure they can keep their companions healthy, safe and with their families. Donations are accepted at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre and the Morinville Vet Clinic during regular business hours. 

Items that are greatly appreciated for donations (new and unused):

  • Dry and wet cat food
  • Dry and wet dog food
  • Cat litter

To access this program, please contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839. 

Morinville FCSS is here to help connect you with appropriate financial support as needed. Beyond the support offered by the Town of Morinville, FCSS can assist you in completing applications for provincial funding opportunities. Town of Morinville financial support includes:

  • Morinville Emergency Fund: Providing residents access to emergency funding when other sources of funding have been exhausted, not accessible or not timely in nature. Other municipalities within the region have successfully provided this funding to their residents for emergent needs like rent, utilities, transportation, medical and food. Fill out an application form.
  • Wellness & Recreation Access Program: Designed to support low-income individuals and families in Morinville to participate in the Town of Morinville's fitness, recreation and FCSS programming. 
  • Community Grant and Support: Supporting innovation and addressing community needs which are in line with Council's vision for Morinville.

Support includes form completion, navigating government processes, information and referral, and 1:1 support by appointment. Expert referrals are available for services such as:

  • Addiction & mental health
  • Basic needs
  • Children and family services
  • Counseling and mental health services
  • Disability & special needs
  • Employment and income
  • Emergency financial services
  • Food security and meal delivery
  • Housing
  • Inclusive supports
  • Income tax preparation & filing
  • Indigenous supports
  • Medical needs
  • Newcomer supports
  • Seniors services
  • 2SLGBTQIA+ supports
  • Veteran & military support
  • Wills, power of attorney & personal directives

To book a consultation with our FCSS team, please contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839. 

This local project provides residents access to basic hygiene and comfort items. Hampers are created with community donations and are given out to individuals being placed into local seniors and/or affordable housing units.

Donations for this program can be dropped off at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. Here are some items that are greatly appreciated for donations (new and unused please):

  • Travel size shampoo, conditioner
  • Travel size or regular size toothpaste
  • Body wash and soap
  • Toothbrushes
  • Hair brushes and combs
  • Hair elastics
  • Razors and shaving cream
  • Deodorant
  • Lip balm
  • Nail clippers
  • Lotions and moisturizers
  • Sun screen
  • Wet wipes

Access to shower facilities is also available for those living without the necessary facilities. To access the Home with Dignity Hampers program, please contact Morinville FCSS by email or call 780-939-7839.

Morinville FCSS is committed to bolstering our community through preventative social support programs and initiatives. From connecting residents with resources to facilitating workshops and programs that improve residents’ quality of life, our focus is on building capacity for a stronger and more resilient community.

If you need urgent assistance, please call the Distress Line at 780-482-4357 or 1-800-232-7288.

Providing menstrual hygiene products at no cost to anyone in need, hampers can be found in the washrooms at the Morinville Leisure Centre, Morinville Community Library, Higher Grounds, Fusion, Midstream, Hair and Holistics, or through Morinville FCSS. Individuals are invited to take up to one month’s supply. Donations for this program can be dropped off at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre


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